Celebrating International Women’s Day
Posted on: 03/08/2019Today, March 8th, is International Women’s Day. This day has been celebrated for well over a century, with the event starting in 1911.
International Women’s Day (March 8) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. IWD is celebrated in several different ways throughout the world. Each way is valid and beautiful.
I believe in supporting small businesses and uplifting women. It is so important. Small businesses is what built this country and unfortunately corporation have taken over. However, we can still support small business in a booming corporate driven world. I have had the privilege of meeting some amazing women who are also business owners. They are driven and they make moves every single day. I know they inspire me to be my best and move forward, continuing to reach for my next best level. This post is dedicated to those women.
Below is a list of just a few women who kick ass. Please give your business to them. They are some hard working women who deserve to be recognized and patronized. Follow them and give them some love on their social media. Consider giving them your business.
Name – Chef Laura Jane
Business name – Chef Laura Jane
Business description – Our focus is on teaching people how to work with whole flower in the kitchen. Edibles are a wonderful way to medicate but can be expensive and you often do not know the type of ingredients. Working with whole flower gives people the ability to control each step of the process and make healthy, affordable medicine.
What is your website URL? – www.cheflaurajane.com
Instagram? – instagram.com/cheflaurajane
Twitter? – None
Facebook? – facebook.com/cheflaurajane
Why did you start your business? I am a former classroom teacher who now works in the field of educational technology. I also have grown up working with herbs in the kitchen with my mother. When I learned that cannabis was the medicine that I needed to assist me with my alcoholism, PTSD, and anxiety, I gravitated towards edibles to help me during the day. The first time I went to a dispensary I was shocked at the prices of one bag of gummies. I felt frustrated. After listening to my husband talk about his friends who used to cook with cannabis, it suddenly clicked that I could too. Instead of thinking I was crazy, my husband encouraged me to learn. As a former teacher who works in technology, I wanted to organize the information in an easy to follow format. All of that led me to want to share the information with others and help educate them on how to the focus shouldn’t just be on whole foods, but on the whole flower as well. I want to help people find affordable, easy and natural ways to work with cannabis to receive the medicine that they need.
Are you a sativa or indica woman? – Indica woman
What are your favorite strains? – Grapalicious
Do you prefer joints or blunts? – joints
Do you prefer
What message would you give to another woman who wants to start their own business? I would encourage another woman to listen to their heart, be genuine, and follow their passions. When your heart and passions align I believe the universe will support you.
Name – Emily Martinez (China)
Business name – China Made
Business description – Cannabis jewelry and accessories
What is your website URL? – I don’t have one
Instagram? – www.instagram.com/420_china
Twitter? – None
Facebook? – www.facebook.com/ChiNaMartinez
Why did you start your business? – To raise funds for my nonprofit company.
Are you a sativa or indica woman? – Sativa
What are your favorite strains? – Blue Dream
Do you prefer joints or blunts? – Joints
Do you prefer
What message would you give to another woman who wants to start their own business? Make it happen and shock everyone!
Name – Jasmine
Business name – Pink Kush Network
Business description – Event networking for women
What is your website URL? – www.pinkkushnetwork.com
Instagram? – www.instagram.com/pinkkushnetwork
Twitter? – http://www.twitter.com/pinkkushnetwork
Facebook? – www.facebook.com/pinkkushnetwork
Why did you start your business? – To bring together women in the cannabis community
Are you a sativa or indica woman? – Indica
What are your favorite strains? – Pink Kush, northern lights,
Do you prefer joints or blunts? – Blunts
Do you prefer flower or concentrates? – Concentrate
What message would you give to another woman who wants to start their own business? Don’t keep waiting for the “right circumstances” to start your business. Work your ass off and don’t let anyone’s words or judgment stop you from achieving everything you’re capable of!
Name – Amanda
Business name – Panda’s Stash
Business description – Custom Stash Jars and accessories!
What is your website URL? – pandasstash602.bigcartel.com
Instagram? – www.instagram.com/pandasstash
Twitter? – None
Facebook? – None
Why did you start your business? – After attending a few local events the idea came to me and I launched on International Women’s Day 2018!
Are you a sativa or indica woman? – I love both! But tend to lean towards Indicas.
What are your favorite strains? – Jack Herer, even though it’s a Sativa, I’ll always pick it up when I find a good batch!
Do you prefer joints or blunts? – Blunts
Do you prefer
I enjoy both daily!
What message would you give to another woman who wants to start their own business? Believe in yourself, when no one else does; you will! That’s all that matters.
Name – Ashley Manta
Business name – CannaSexual
Business description – Sex and relationship coaching
What is your website URL? – www.cannasexual.com
Instagram? – www.instagram.com/CannaSexual
Twitter? – www.twitter.com/ashleymanta
Facebook? – www.facebook.com/ashleymanta
Why did you start your business? – I love helping people feel more empowered to ask for what they want, find enjoyment in their bodies, and mindfully combine sex and cannabis.
Are you a sativa or indica woman? – Both!
What are your favorite strains? – I tend to love Jack strains, and pretty much anything purple.
Do you prefer joints or blunts? – Joints
Do you prefer
What message would you give to another woman who wants to start their own business? Connect with other women who are business owners. Networking is everything! And prioritize
Name – Irene
Business name – CannaKitty PaintShop
Business description – I paint/create pieces of art
What is your website URL? – I don’t have one.
Instagram? – www.instagram.com/cannakitty_paintshop
Twitter? – None
Facebook? – None
Why did you start your business? – To work through and heal my emotions and inspire others to do the same.
Are you a sativa or indica woman? – Indica! Straight sativa gives me migraines.
What are your favorite strains? – White Dragon
Do you prefer joints or blunts? – Joints
Do you prefer
What message would you give to another woman who wants to start their own business? You can do it!! The world is so much bigger and more willing to take a chance on you than you may realize. Continue supporting the women around you to grow, reach new levels together 🌸✨
Name – Kathie (or Kat)
Business name – Kattz Tattz
Business description – A home-based local tattoo artist.
What is your website URL? – http://www.kattztattz.com
Instagram? – www.instagram.com/KattzTattz
Twitter? – None
Facebook? – www.facebook.com/KattzTattz
Why did you start your business? – I love art and was drawn to tattoos, even as a child. I think tattoos are one of the most personal forms of artistic expression. What better canvas could there be than the body?!
Are you a sativa or indica woman? – Indica! All.The.Way!
What are your favorite strains? – Obama Kush, Zkittlez & Chocolate Hashberry
Do you prefer joints or blunts? – Neither, bongs.
Do you prefer
What message would you give to another woman who wants to start their own business? Stay focused & persistent.
Name – Adrianne
Business name – OMGgoudness LLC
Business description – Hemp kinds of butter, pickles, and treats
What is your website URL? – I don’t have one yet.
Instagram? – www.instagram.com/omggoudnessllc
Twitter? – None
Facebook? – www.facebook.com/omggoudnessllc
Why did you start your business? – I wanted to offer quality products for patients.
Are you a sativa or indica woman? – Neither, I prefer hemp/CBD.
What are your favorite strains? – Jefrothunder
Do you prefer joints or blunts? – Joints
Do you prefer
What message would you give to another woman who wants to start their own business? Go for it! Study your field and stand for your worth!
Name – Christine Hawley
Business name – JK Realty #legallysellingjoints
Business description – Realtor
What is your website URL? – I don’t have one yet.
Instagram? – www.instagram.com/Christinehawley_realtor
Twitter? – None
Facebook? – www.facebook.com/ChristineHawley
Why did you start your business? – To help people find that feeling we call HOME
Are you a sativa or indica woman? – Both.
What are your favorite strains? – Jack Herer, Blue Dream, Granddaddy Purple
Do you prefer joints or blunts? – Joints
Do you prefer
What message would you give to another woman who wants to start their own business? Believe in your ability to figure things out to make your dreams a reality. It’s never about the resources but about your resourcefulness. We all have a unique gift to share with this world, be authentic, be willing to be seen, connect with other women & have abundant faith in yourself!